The Freedom Resource (the organization supporting Freedom Prayer Ministry) is a 501(C)(3) not for profit organization whose goal is to provide a landing place for resources and assistance to people and ministries who wish to use the Freedom Prayer ministry model. The Freedom Resource is outgrowth of a growing number of ministry teams and relationships. As the relationships grew and the need to help others became apparent we felt it would be best to form a special organization that was nimble in its ability to help others get started with the right materials and provide relationship-based support. We are friends and co-laborers sharing what we have learned and eagerly learning from others.
Scripture tells us to “restore” one who has fallen, to confess our sins to one another and to repent of our sin, to bear another’s burdens, to put to death the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit, and about a hundred related things. As elders, teachers and church leaders (and mates and friends for that matter) for many years we often felt desperately ill equipped to do that. Most people do too… maybe everyone does.
Freedom Prayer is a great solution to that dilemma. It focuses on how to be an effective emotional and spiritual “first responder” in a variety of settings where an individual needs insight, love, grace and truth from God and God’s people. Our flagship publication, Freedom Tools, presents our model that is both flexible and intuitive. Used primarily in churches, but accessible in small groups, other ministries and non-profits, as well as missions organizations and counseling, Freedom Prayer is often foundational in practically walking others into a healthier prayer life and personal discipleship.
For the past 20 years or so this approach, its principles and its practices, have been in development. We owe a debt of gratitude to the many, many who found certain keys or understandings that simply seemed to work or seemed to follow biblical precedent. We will not name names for fear of missing someone but each has pushed their piece of the puzzle to the middle for others to use. We have gathered up many of these pieces, tried them out, reshaped many, and fit them together.
Like tuning a musical instrument, we were looking for that balance that would offer effective freedom within a biblical framework, while also easily reproducible in a church or ministry setting. We believe that these tools in prayer are for every believer and have fine tuned them over the years in order to help transform a person, a relationship, a family, and church cultures. It is relatively simple to teach and get accustomed to and almost always becomes a passion for everyone who receives prayer and learns to pray in this way. Freedom is contagious as true transformation can only happen if the Lord is in it. Our favorite part is encountering Him in this ministry.
It is our hope and prayer that the resources on this site encourage you to pursue freedom for yourself, your church and your community. We believe in personal freedom first – there is no substitute for experiencing these things for yourself in an honest and humble way. If you do, you will likely find that your prayer life is deepened and that your identity in Christ is secure. You will probably also feel equipped and competent to help others. Most importantly, your awe and worship of a living and loving Father God will expand with every prayer time. It is why we are passionate about building healthy Freedom Prayer teams in churches from the ground up – to see the family of God whole, healed, and fitted with tools of reconciliation and restoration.