
I am a 20 year old female in India. Due to my poor financial condition, my father didn’t give proper dowry to my husband for my marriage. Soon after my marriage, my husband and whole family members started torturing me due to the lack of dowry money. One night they tried to hang me but somehow I rescued myself and ran away to my father’s house. During that time I was pregnant. In my father’s house the community started blaming me and started saying many negative things in front of me. I didn’t have any hope in my life. My heart was full of hatred and anger. I thought that I would never forgive my husband. In the mean time my son was born in April 2019. With great difficulties my dad was managing the family, including me and my newborn son.

I didn’t know anything about Jesus. One day one of my friends advised me to attend church. Accordingly I attended a local church in the month of November 2019. In the same month the church organized a Freedom Prayer team. They invited me to attend. While they started praying for me and helped me ask questions to God, I felt something different in my heart. I started crying. I felt that somebody was working in my heart. They didn’t know anything about my past history. I started sharing about my story. They started praying for me. I received total peace and I got healing from God. All my hatred and anger were gone. I am now able to forgive my husband. Jesus Christ healed me completely. I am free today. I praise God for the healing I received through Freedom Prayer.